Aimen Faheem
2 min readOct 11, 2024


Are You Stuck in Limbo too?

Letting Go of Control and Finding Peace Within

Image by Author

There are moments when we feel passionate about our goals, relationships, and life in general, but then there are other moments that make us feel drained, sad, and pessimistic about everything that comes our way.

I’ve struggled with this my whole life, and I still do. In fact, it’s the core of our very nature. However, recently I’ve started to come to terms with it. Part of this pessimism comes from trying to control everything around us, but we forget we’re human and have limited or no control over our surroundings. So, we often think and think about our helpless state to the point that most of us end up with mental health issues.

In those dark, gloomy moments, I often remind myself of how Allah (SWT) knit me in my mother’s womb and provided me with food. He took care of me in moments when I didn’t even know myself, in moments when no one knew me. So, how could He leave me now?

The truth is, He won’t ever leave me alone. He won’t ever leave us alone. Perhaps we should all be like little children again and put aside our hatred, ego, and pride so that everything we need comes to us on its own. While writing this, I’m reminded of what Bano Qudsia once said:

زندگی میں ہمیشہ چھوٹے بن کے رہو، کیونکہ بڑے ہونے پر تو ماں بھی گود سے اتار دیتی ہے!
("Always stay humble in life because even a mother lets go when you grow too big for her lap.")

Hi, I’m Aimen Faheem. I write about living your dream life with the mindset shift you’ve always wanted. To see my stories pop up on your feed, I’d love for you to follow me (Aimen Faheem). And, to know more about me and my life’s journey, click here.



Aimen Faheem

I'm an NLP Master Practitioner with an MPhil in English Literature, passionate about mental health and storytelling, offering insights on personal development.